Linux Mint是一份基于Ubuntu的发行,其目标是提供一份更完整意义上的即刻可用的体验,而这通过包含浏览器插件、多媒体编码解码器、DVD播放支持、 Java及其他组件来实现。它也增加了一套定制桌面及各种菜单,一些独特的配置工具,以及一份基于web的软件包安装界面。
Linux Mint兼容Ubuntu软件仓库。
Clement Lefebvre has announced the second and final release candidate for Linux Mint 5.0: "The second (and last) release candidate for Linux Mint 5 'Elyssa' is out and available for download. Changes since RC1: Upgraded to Firefox 3.0 RC1; upgraded to Flash 10; added mintBackup; added Aurora GTK+ engine; changed the way gnome-do is launched (to full mode, not mini); fixed in mintupdated (apt update if cache update fails) and mintAssistant (locked root account); increased compatibility with Ubuntu 'Hardy'; improved file sharing; added Seahorse; improved en-US language support, spell-checking in particular; added Bogofilter; fixed 'About me'; improved printing support and added new drivers; improved Bash completion when used behind sudo; fixed shut-down usplash problem; added a lot of nice wallpapers from the community; little touches in Compiz (grey caps, addition of compiz-check script)。" Read the release announcement and release notes for more information. Download: Linu