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PS中的 另存为 与 另存为网页格式上

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Photoshop Save As vs Save For Web

One of the more confusing options in Photoshop CS2 arises when it comes time to save your edited image. There are two methods to save your photo: using the Save As dialog box or using the Save For Web dialog box. This article answers the question: what are the differences between save for web and save as, and when should I use Save for Web?
Photoshop offers two options to save your image after editing:

File -> Save As ...
File -> Save For Web ...
Both of these menu otpions create an output JPEG file from your working image, but they differ in both the available options, flexibility and representation of JPEG compression quality.


Photoshop cs2中最易混淆的选项之一是在保存编辑过的图片时,有两种保存图片的方式——另存和另存为网页格式。本篇文章将解答另存和另存为网页格式有何区别,以及何时应该选择保存为web格式。



Quick Choice

If you plan to...【You should use】
Create images for your website, or optimize the file as small as possible【Save For Web 】
Share images with others, and you want viewers knowing shot time/date, etc. 【Save As 】
Share images with others, and you do not want others knowing shot time/date, etc. For example, stock photos, or concerns over privacy 【Save For Web】
Convert your image to a given file size, or you want interactive feedback on quality settings 【Save For Web】
... for all other cases【Save As】



Photoshop Save As

The Save As dialog includes a very large number of output file formats, as it is the standard method by which users will generate their final image files. As this output method is not optimized towards transmission over a low data-rate medium (such as the internet), additional information is encoded into the resulting image at the cost of increased file size. As shown below, this additional data may consume approximately 40KB.
One of the main reason that photographers choose Save As instead of Save for Web when sharing photos is so that the EXIF metadata (which includes camera information and shot details) can be displayed to other interested viewers. Most photo sharing sites (such as pbase) automatically extract this EXIF information, for the benefit of other photographers. However, considering that it also includes the time and date of the original shot, it may have privacy implications.

Photoshop 另存为



16-bit Mode
As Save As does not support for 16-bit images, it may be necessary to convert to 8-bit first, save and then undo the color depth conversion step if you plan to continue working on the file. You can convert to 8 bit RGB by selecting Image -> Mode -> 8-bits/channel. Save for Web automatically converts the color depth for you.

Photoshop Save For Web

The Save For Web dialog box doesn't provide as much flexibility in the ouput image file formats as the Save As dialog, but it does offer more flexibility with each supported option. Supported output file formats include:

JPEG - Selection of Quality level (1-100). No transparency.
GIF - Different palette sizes (2-256) and dithering options define quality. Supports single-bit transparency.
PNG-8 - Reduced color depth (2-256 colors) and dithering options defines quality. Supports multi-bit transparency.
PNG-24 - "Lossless" 24-bit quality. Supports multi-bit transparency.
WBMP - Black & White dithered output.
Main window for Save for Web
The focus on this page will be on the JPEG output format.




  • Wbmp-黑白抖动输出。
  • PS中的


    Save For Web JPEG output

    Because the Save for Web command is intended to be used for images that are destined for display on the internet, one of the primary goals is in optimizing the file size as much as possible while still retaining acceptable image quality. To this end, two methods are used to achieve this: a) a live preview of changing JPEG compression quality sliders and b) the removal of all unnecessary metadata (JPEG markers) in the output file.

    The main features in Save for Web include:

    Optimize to File Size: Ability to automatically select both the file format (JPEG or GIF) and JPEG compression level to achieve the selected file size.
    Removal of EXIF metadata. For many this is a useful feature, while others will completely avoid Save for Web because of it. For simple images on a web site or for privacy reasons, you may want to hide the time/date a photo was taken, or other parameters. But, if you plan to share your images on a photo hosting site and would like to indicate the focal length, aperture and other parameters to your viewers, Save for Web will not be the right method.
    Removal of Optional Markers. In most output JPEG files, special markers are used to indicate additional information or provide resiliency in the case of errors / corruption. The Save for Web method will remove these and still allow JPEG decoders to work.

    保存为网页格式目的是输出展示在网页上的图片,保存的主要的目的之一是在维持图片质量的同时尽可能地缩小文件体积。保存为网页格式使用了两种方法达到此目的:a) 在拖动滑动条更改jpeg质量设置时提供即时预览;b)移除输出文件中所有不必要的信息(jpeg标记)。



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