此文写于购《交互设计之路-让高科技产品回归人性》、《Ajax in Action》两书之后。
Seems straightforward to me. Adobe is in at the center of print production (PhotoShop & friends, InDesign, PDF), while Macromedia’s DreamWeaver is the single most important Web-design product. Dave Shea says this might be about Flash, but let me suggest exactly the opposite: if you’re hitching your career to Flash, it might be a good time to look at alternatives. Why’s that? Because, near as I can tell, Macromedia has never made any serious money with Flash. They’ve accomplished one of the great, heroic, marketing coups of all time, getting the plug-in onto substantially every desktop on the planet; and this bought them, uh, what exactly? They sell authoring tools, but seriously, how many Flash designers does the world need?
Anyhow, most of the good things you can do with Flash, you can do about as well with DHTML (oops that’s called AJAX now) and our “back” button still works. I guess there’s no reason to actually shut Flash down, the tool revenue must about cover the engineering costs. But Adobe, historically, has been good at focusing on what works and dropping the distractions. (Can you remember PageMill?) Flash is a distraction. [Update: Smell something burning? That would be me, sizzling in a torrent of Flash-flavored flame.]
Reasoned Debate Some people took the time to compose and post coherent arguments as to why I might be wrong. For example, Pete Freitag writes “I think Macromedia makes most of its money from Flash, so I don't think that they will be cutting it anytime soon” and if he’s right, then I’m wrong. John Dowdell of Macromedia offers an example of something that he says is beyond DHTML’s reach and says “Funny, you'd sorta think Sun would be bullish on a cross-platform, cross-browser ‘write once play anywhere’" kind of thingy, wouldn't you...? ;-)”. ?
Get Yer Flames Here! Hoo boy, those Flash faithful are, what’s the word I’m looking for, um, articulate. Here’s a sampling: ?
“I assume his comments are an ill-tempered and unprofessional anomaly.” -Brian Lesser.
“Sun could only dream of a day when Adobe guts Flash so that we might return to those great days of clunky Java applets that never actually fulfilled their purpose within the development community.” -Justin Everett-Church.
“Sun只能梦想着有一天Adobe把Flash毁掉,然后它们的JavaApplets就能东山再起了”-Justin Everett-Church.
“Johnny Script kiddie not knowing about stuff like that I can understand, but the director of web technologies at Sun should at least have some sort clue.” -Stephen Milligan.
“Today’s ‘Whistling Past the Graveyard’ Award goes to Tim Bray, Director of Web Technologies at Sun, whose apparent focus on Java renders him incapable of understanding the value proposition of Flash. No wonder Java continues to stagnate!” -Ray Everett-Church.
“今天的墓地哨音奖(aw注:猜测是某一种贬义的“奖项”)应该归TimBray所有了,就是这个Sun的Web技术部的主管,明显他对Flash的忽略是Java目前步入窘境的原因!”-Ray Everett-Church.
“Mr. Bray must not be spending any time with the users *I* see. Those under the age of 45.” -Kim Cavanaugh. [Ouch!]
“Bray先生肯定没有花多少时间在用户上。那些45岁以下的”-Kim Cavanaugh. [Ouch!]
“In my opinion Timothy Bray is a Pillock of the First Water.” -Gerry Marshall.
“在我看来作者不过是‘ a Pillock of the First Water’” -GerryMarshall
“I think it's all rubbish of course.” -Daniel Freeman.
“我认为都是垃圾” -DanielFreeman
“I think it deserves to be marked with the ‘Don't post after a large bottle of wine’ metatag.” -Cort Winters.
“What is Bray smoking???” -Phill Nacelli.
“Bray is full of FUD and nothing else. He does work for SUN (no bias,ha,ha...;) who have ‘crappy’ applets on their side. He’s just jealous, since Flex, CFMX, Dreameaver, Flash, Breeze and other will make Adobe superior to M$ and Sun in the market and quality.” -Patrick Whittingham.
-Patrick Whittingham。
“Must've got his beard caught in his sandles again.” -clark.
三年前,随着FlashMX2004推出以及面向对象脚本AS2.0的出现,似乎Flash进军富客户端(Rich Client)的障碍被彻底扫除。如果我没有记错,正是Macromedia给富客户端“创造”了一个全新的、更大气的名字:RIA(Rich Internet Application)
RIA的出现,似乎标志了一个时代。FlashMX2004似乎一夜间成为了开发RIA的必备利器。AS2.0的出现,头一次把Development(开发,主要指采用AS开发应用程序)列为Flash制作的另一条重要路线(之前一直是偏重 Motion-Design:图形动画设计的),也正是那一年,大量的传统开发者投身RIA大军之中,一些AS1.0的坚决拥护者甚至高手也纷纷落马,开始回头重新补OOP的课。Flash从一个简单的交互式动画制作软件,摇身变成互联网应用程序开发的必备利器,瞬间背负了沉重的“历史使命”。然而不管是传统的Flash设计人员以及AS1.0面向过程开发高手,还是投靠FlashMX2004的新生力量,都对未来充满了乐观。Macromedia的 Flashplayer普及率调查一次次将大家的斗志推向极致。市场上对于Flash开发者的需求也在急速上升:我的简历已经被浏览万次以上,并且收到很多电话邀请,小公司为主,也不乏较大的公司。当然,我并不是在这里给自己贴金,之前已经为这种“人品爆发”的现象作了理性解释和反思。权且理解为,我不经意之间沾了Flash的光吧!
其实被收购之初,大家都心有余悸,Luar当时也犀利地抨击过Adobe历史上通过收购调整产品线的一些劣行,说其很可能会把Flash给偷偷干掉。但时间证明Adobe没那么傻。三剑客无一遗弃。就连最危险的Fireworks,Adobe也给足了颜面。我们这些Macromedia的忠实拥护者渐渐地也接受了Adobe这样一个品牌。以至于今年4月16号,也没有谁跳出来“纪念”Macromedia被收购一周年(如果Adobe在收购之后把Flash 干掉或者仅仅停缓开发,肯定会激起民愤)。这里顺便也表达我自己对Adobe的感激,它似乎吸纳了Macromedia的精神和灵魂。收购并没有影响 Flash8的推出,包括之后的FlashPlayer8.5,Flex2.0b,AS3.0等labs项目也进展顺利,我当时也亲眼目睹AS3.0其威力:
一组ActionScript3 FP8.5的粒子
这就是Flash的最大竞争对手。就我(awflasher.com)所知,目前没有一本像样的Flash开发书籍中提到Ajax,而几乎每一本Ajax的畅销书中都有提到Flash,有些甚至直接把Flash列为Ajax的竞争对手。我知道他们这么说肯定是有依据的,毕竟Ajax和Flash有太多相似之处:界面友好、用户体验良好、无刷新+数据安全保存等等……又毕竟,Flash的一些技术门槛和负面影响导致Ajax阵营可以迅速扩大,比如一些优秀的 Flash制作人员毕竟还是偏重图形界面设计;传统的Web开发者很难进入Flash领域,不管他多聪明,也不可能一夜之间就把MovieClip这样的关键概念很快彻底掌握。而Ajax则不然,后面会提到。
五、其实这些也没有那么严重,Ajax毕竟也是一个无形的概念,没有太多的利益关系,最严重的是M$最新的一款IE补丁,使得整个互联网上IE中的Flash一下子全部殃及,让人不得不联想到微软Sparkle。(详见:《Flash杀手!微软Sparkle即将露面》 by awflasher.com)Sparkle以何种形式出现?Sparkle会不会团结A阵营排斥F阵营的影响,这些都不得而知