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核心提示:在网页制作中推荐使用的XHTML标签 ...


element description notes sort by usage read the W3Cspec
html document root element exactly one per document document spec
head document head exactly one per document document spec
title document title exactly one per document document spec
body document body exactly one per document document spec
a anchor   inline/phrase spec
abbr abbreviated form   inline/phrase spec
acronym acronym   inline/phrase spec
address information on author   inline/phrase spec
area client-side image map   inline/phrase spec
base document base URI   document spec
blockquote long quotation   block spec
br forced line break use for poetry only   spec
button push button   form spec
caption table caption   table spec
cite citation useful inline element inline/phrase spec
code computer code fragment   inline/phrase spec
col table column   table spec
colgroup table column group   table spec
dd definition description part of the underused dl list type list spec
del deleted text   inline/phrase spec
dfn instance definition   inline/phrase spec
div generic container   block level spec
dl defintion list underused list type list spec
dt definition term part of the underused dl list type list spec
em emphasis (does not equal italics inherently excellent inline element for calling out strings inline/phrase spec
form interactive form can be top-level block element form spec
h1, h2, ... h6 heading for calling out sections of a document block spec
iframe inline subwindow   document spec
img embedded image   inline/phrase spec
input form control   form spec
ins inserted text   inline/phrase spec
kbd text to be entered by the user   inline/phrase spec
label for field label text underused - aides accessibility and usability form spec
legend fieldset legent   form spec
li list item use with ol and ul list spec
link media independent link one use it to include external .css files document spec
map client-side image map   document spec
meta generic meta information generally in the head document spec
noscript alternate content container for non script-based rendering   document spec
object generic embedded object   block spec
ol ordered list   list spec
optgroup option group use within form > select > option form spec
option selectable choice use within form > select form spec
p paragraph   block spec
param named property value   object spec
pre preformatted text   block spec
q short inline quotation   inline/phrase spec
samp sample program output, script, etc   inline/phrase spec
script script statements often within head document spec
select option selector use within form form spec
span generic container adds no semantic value, so try to use a different element inline/phrase spec
strong strong emphasis does not inherently mean bold inline/phrase spec
style style info for on-page CSS document spec
sub subscript think twice before using inline/phrase spec
sup superscript think twice before using inline/phrase spec
table data table top node exclusively for tabular data such as a box score or financial results block spec
td table data cell   table spec
textarea multi-line text field   form spec
th table header cell every table must have header cells table spec
thead table header a good idea table spec
tr table row   table spec
tt teletype or monospaced text   inline/phrase spec
ul unordered list more than bulleted lists can be expressed list spec
var instance of a program argument   inline/phrase spec























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