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HTML 5教程(三) - 块级元素

    相关阅读: HTML CSS

HTML 5 还增加了一些纯语义性的块级元素:






aside 元素代表说明、提示、边栏、引用、附加注释等,也就是叙述主线之外的内容。例如,在 developerWorks 文章中,常常会看到用表格形式编写的边栏,见代码3 用 HTML 4 编写的 developerWorks 边栏。


The .xf-value selector used here styles the input field value but not its label. This is actually inconsistent with the current CSS3 draft. The example really should use the ::value pseudo-class instead like so:

input::value { width: 20em; }
#ccnumber::value { width: 18em }
#zip::value { width: 12em }
#state::value { width: 3em}

However, Firefox doesn't yet support this syntax.

在 HTML 5 中,可以按照更有意义的方式编写这个边栏,见代码4 用 HTML 5 编写的 developerWorks 边栏。


The .xf-value selector used here styles the input field value but not its label. This is actually inconsistent with the current CSS3 draft. The example really should use the ::value pseudo-class instead like so:

input::value { width: 20em; }
#ccnumber::value { width: 18em }
#zip::value { width: 12em }
#state::value { width: 3em}However, Firefox doesn't yet support this syntax.

浏览器可以决定把这个边栏放在哪里(可能需要用一点儿 CSS 代码)。


figure 元素代表一个块级图像,还可以包含说明。例如,在许多 developerWorks 文章中,可以看到代码5 用 HTML 4 编写的 developerWorks 图 这样的标记其结果见图1。

Figure 2. Install Mozilla XForms dialog

图 1. Install Mozilla XForms dialog

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