/* * hashmap.c * Generic hashmap implementation. * a map for pair of key-value. key must be a null-end string, value is any type of data. * cheungmine * Sep. 22, 2007. All rights reserved. */
#include "hashmap.h" #include "list.h"
typedef struct _hash_map_t { size_t size; listnode_t** key; listnode_t** value; }hash_map_t;
/* Hash a string, return a hash key */ static ulong hash_string(const char *s, int len) { ulong h = 0; int i = 0; assert (s); if (len < 0) len = (s? (int)strlen(s): 0); while(i++ < len) { h = 17*h + *s++; } return h; }
static void _free_map_key(listnode_t* node) { listnode_t *old; while(node) { old = node; node = node->next; free(old->data); free (old); } }
static void _free_map_value(listnode_t* node, pfcb_hmap_value_free pfunc) { listnode_t *old; while(node) { old = node; node = node->next; if (pfunc) (*pfunc)(old->data); free (old); } }
/*============================================================================= Public Functions =============================================================================*/ /* Create before use */ void hmap_create(hash_map *hmap, int size) { (*hmap) = (hash_map_t*) malloc(sizeof(hash_map_t)); (*hmap)->size = size; (*hmap)->key = (listnode_t**) calloc(size, sizeof(listnode_t*)); (*hmap)->value = (listnode_t**) calloc(size, sizeof(listnode_t*)); }
/* Destroy after use */ extern void hmap_destroy(hash_map hmap, pfcb_hmap_value_free pfunc) { size_t i; for(i=0; i<hmap->size; i++){ _free_map_key(hmap->key[i]); _free_map_value(hmap->value[i], pfunc); } free(hmap->key); free(hmap->value); free(hmap); }
/* Insert a key-value into hash map. value is a pointer to callee-allocated memory */ void hmap_insert(hash_map hmap, const char* key, int key_len, void* value) { listnode_t *node_key, *node_val; ulong h; char *s; assert (key);
if (key_len<0) key_len = (int) strlen (key); s = (char*) malloc (key_len+1); assert(s);
#pragma warning(push) /* C4996 */ #pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) strncpy (s, key, key_len); #pragma warning(pop) /* C4996 */ s[key_len] = 0; node_key = list_node_create ( (void*)s ); node_val = list_node_create ( value ); assert(node_key && node_val);
h = hash_string (s, key_len) % hmap->size;
node_key->next = hmap->key[h]; hmap->key[h] = node_key; node_val->next = hmap->value[h]; hmap->value[h] = node_val; }
/* Search a hash map for value of given key string */ void* hmap_search(hash_map hmap, const char *key) { ulong h = hash_string (key, -1) % hmap->size; listnode_t *pk = hmap->key[h]; listnode_t *pv = hmap->value[h];
while (pk) { if (strcmp(key, pk->str) == 0) return pv->data; pk = pk->next; pv = pv->next; }
return NULL; }