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由于缺少结构,即使是形式良好的 HTML 页面也比较难以处理。必须分析标题的级别,才能看出各个部分的划分方式。边栏、页脚、页眉、导航条、主内容区和各篇文章都由通用的 div 元素来表示。HTML 5 添加了一些新元素,专门用来标识这些常见的结构:

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我们来考虑一个典型的 blog 主页,它的顶部有页眉,底部有页脚,还有几篇文章、一个导航区和一个边栏,见代码1 典型的 blog 页面

<title>Mokka mit Schlag </title>
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<h1><a href="http://www.elharo.com/blog">Mokka mit Schlag</a></h1>
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<div class="post" id="post-1000572">
<h2><a href=
Spring Comes (and Goes) in Sussex County</a></h2>
<div class="entry">
<p>Yesterday I joined the Brooklyn Bird Club for our
annual trip to Western New Jersey, specifically Hyper
Humus, a relatively recently discovered hot spot. It
started out as a nice winter morning when we arrived
at the site at 7:30 A.M., progressed to Spring around
10:00 A.M., and reached early summer by 10:15. </p>
<div class="post" id="post-1000571">
<h2><a href=
But does it count for your life list?</a></h2>
<div class="entry">
<p>Seems you can now go <a
2007/04/cone_sf">bird watching via the Internet</a>. I
haven't been able to test it out yet (20 user
limit apparently) but this is certainly cool.
Personally, I can't imagine it replacing
actually being out in the field by any small amount.
On the other hand, I've always found it quite
sad to meet senior birders who are no longer able to
hold binoculars steady or get to the park. I can
imagine this might be of some interest to them. At
least one elderly birder did a big year on TV, after
he could no longer get out so much. This certainly
tops that.</p>
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<p>Copyright 2007 Elliotte Rusty Harold</p>


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